About Us

The Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) is a groundbreaking investment that supports critical public health infrastructure needs of health departments across the United States. Funding from this grant will help ensure that every U.S. community has the people, services, and systems needed to promote and protect health.

In Fall 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI), and Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) historic grants to support state, local, and territorial health departments through the PHIG grant. Together, these national partners will collaborate with health agencies in their efforts to modernize data systems, recruit and retain a skilled public health workforce, and address longstanding public health infrastructure needs.

This website, produced by the national partners, supports jurisdictions in their drive to modernize the nation’s public health systems. Visitors can explore our technical assistance offerings, view resources to accelerate their work, and see stories of impact from the PHIG grant in communities.

Technical Assistance

Review the technical assistance menu of services to see how we support your agency’s work.


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